Wednesday, December 12, 2012


For the first time in a century...12/12/12!

I love funny dates like this.

Just thought I'd share. :)

Vasili Grobonobovich

My brothers have recently started doing a small 'series' of videos called Vasili Grobonobovich (I did not come up with the name) just for fun.
You can find their videos at by typing Vasili Grobonobovich in the search engine.

Here is one of their videos entitled phone call.
Caveat- Young people. Please, be sure to have your parents permission to view this video. Beware that  YouTube is a public forum and as such we cannot be responsible for what may pop up after the video is viewed.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Pumpkin Roll

Our family celebrates the Sabbath Day starting at 6:00 pm Saturday and ending at 6:00 pm on Sunday. We celebrate the start of this with a special Sabbath supper on Saturday and a dessert. I am usually in charge of making the dessert. A few weeks ago, I made a Pumpkin Roll. It actually turned out pretty well, considering it was my first one.